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Totika nz Manuka Honey

NZ Manuka Honey MGO650+ (16+)

PriceFrom $70.00

Indulge in the pure indulgence of our NZ Manuka Honey MGO650+ (16+). Sourced from the remote and pristine landscapes of New Zealand, this premium honey is known for its exceptional health-giving properties. With an MGO rating of 650+, our Manuka honey is rich in naturally occurring methylglyoxal, with unique benefits for boosting immunity and supporting overall wellness. This exceptional honey is carefully harvested and independently tested to guarantee its purity and potency, making it an ideal addition to your daily health regimen. With its deliciously rich and complex flavour profile, our NZ Manuka Honey MGO650+ (16+) is the perfect choice for those seekingtruly premium honey with unparalleled health benefits.

    • Customer Reviews

      Jemma Douglas‎ Dargaville 31st Jan 2019

      I used active honey on my horses eye injury, it couldn’t be stitched due to swelling , these photos were only taken 10 days apart! I was worried about infection especially in the weather but there was no sign and has healed amazing! First photo in comments;-


      Denise McCormack,Waipu, Northland25 Sep 2018

      The healing power of HBK honey

      Not only does this honey taste wonderful, it is a great healer too. I sustained a 2nd degree burn to my hand and applied the high manuka count honey to the burn on my hand. It healed perfectly with no scarring and I have full function in it. I could add a photo but it is a bit gruesome!;- 


      Lynda J Pereira, Paihia, Northland NZ09 Sep 2018

      True active honey

      Thanks Isaac For this amazing honey that you and the bees bless NZ with, in fact we have taken it to Asia and Australia, My friends love it, I get numerous requests for it traveling between the countries, I haven’t found a more “true active” honey. I Look forward to my next bottle Thanks again

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